In this transformational workshop, we will explore the science and mystery of sound and how it is used in modern medicine. We will learn about the physical and energetic properties of our body which will include an overview of the chakra system, human bio-field, and the expression of these energies in our bodies. Those in attendance will learn how to invite and co-create change in the physical, mental, and emotional patterns of our lives. Following the informational session, participants will experience a guided sound meditation using crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, hand drums, and vocal toning.
This experience will help bring awareness and healing intentions to the individual chakras for the purpose of creating stillness, balance and harmony to body, mind, and spirit. Join us for a truly restorative and soul-elevating experience with this sacred and harmonic medicine.
$40; YB monthly members enjoy a 10% discount. This session is only available in-person; there is no Zoom option.
For more information & to register, visit: